Assisted Living Financial Projections Calculator

Assisted Living Financial Projections Calculator

Regular price $97.00 Sale

This model is built around 8 different room categories, total room capacity, room vacancy, and specific cost associated with each room giving you the ability to accurately forecast revenue. Input your overhead costs that are expected such as advertising, licenses, custodial, insurance.


Enter large fixed assets, startup investment, loans, and more so the model can then do the work calculating the more complicated items like amortization, loan interest, and depreciation.


You can calculate monthly expenses, such as employer taxes and benefits, for salaried employees. If you are planning for distributions to owners (dividends, owner draws), this model will help you calculate those distributions.


Kicks of the financial outputs by wrapping up the financial projection highlights into a nice summary including break even analysis, P&L summary, sales trajectories, use of funds.


Financial Statements provide you with your financial statements in the following format: the annual formats of the income statement, cash flow statement, and balance sheet; and the monthly breakdowns of those same financial statements. 


Basic inputs are utilized to create quality detailed financial pro-formas for your stakeholders. The financial statements will be in a standard format that potential investors and lenders are accustomed to seeing.


1.) Profit and loss table, 

2.) Startup costs graph

3.) Industry ratios table

4.) ​​Cash generation graph

5.) ‍Monthly & Annual income statements, cash flow, and balance sheet reports for five years